
Euronext is a leading European stock exchange and financial market infrastructure provider, offering a broad range of services, including trading, listing, clearing, settlement, and market data. Euronext operates markets across multiple European countries, including Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal. It was founded in 2000 through the merger of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, Brussels Stock Exchange, and Paris Bourse.

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History: Euronext was established in 2000 as a result of the merger of three major European stock exchanges: the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, Brussels Stock Exchange, and Paris Bourse. Since then, Euronext has expanded its footprint through various acquisitions, including the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) in 2002, the Irish Stock Exchange in 2018, and the Oslo Børs in 2019.

Markets: Euronext operates regulated markets for trading equities, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), warrants, and other securities. It also offers trading in various derivatives, including futures and options on indices, commodities, currencies, and interest rates.

Listing Services: Euronext provides listing services for companies seeking to raise capital through initial public offerings (IPOs), secondary offerings, or other types of securities issuances. Euronext's markets are home to a diverse range of companies, from small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to large multinational corporations.

Trading Platform: Euronext operates an electronic trading platform.

Euronext Indices: Euronext calculates and publishes a variety of stock market indices that represent the performance of its listed companies. Some of the most well-known Euronext indices include the CAC 40 (France), AEX-Index (Netherlands), BEL 20 (Belgium), PSI 20 (Portugal), and ISEQ 20 (Ireland). These indices serve as benchmarks for investors and underly various financial products, such as index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Euronext Derivatives Market: In addition to its cash markets, Euronext operates a derivatives market that offers trading in futures and options contracts on various underlying instruments, such as equity indices, single stocks, commodities, interest rates, and currencies. The acquisition of the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) in 2002 significantly expanded Euronext's derivatives offerings and expertise.

Clearing and Settlement: Euronext has partnered with LCH.Clearnet, a leading global clearinghouse, for the clearing and settlement of trades executed on its markets. LCH.Clearnet acts as a central counterparty, managing the credit risk associated with trades and ensuring the smooth functioning of the markets.

Market Data and Technology Services: Euronext offers a range of market data and technology services to market participants, including real-time and historical data, trading and information solutions, and technology consulting services. These services support trading, risk management, and compliance functions for various financial market participants.

Euronext Corporate Services: Euronext provides a suite of corporate services to its listed companies, aimed at helping them maximize their visibility, enhance their investor relations, and comply with regulatory requirements. These services include investor relations management tools, market surveillance and compliance solutions, governance and advisory services, and communication and press release distribution tools.

Regulation: Euronext operates under the regulatory oversight of multiple national and regional financial regulators, depending on the jurisdiction and specific market. For example, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) in France, the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) in the Netherlands, and the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) in Belgium are some of the regulators overseeing Euronext's operations in their respective countries.

Euronext Growth and Euronext Access: Recognizing the needs of smaller and growing companies, Euronext has created two market segments dedicated to these enterprises: Euronext Growth and Euronext Access. Euronext Growth is designed for small and medium-sized companies seeking a more streamlined listing process and lower regulatory requirements compared to the main market. Euronext Access is an entry-level market for early-stage companies looking to raise capital and gain visibility with investors.

ESG Initiatives: Euronext is committed to promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) best practices among its listed companies and within the financial industry. The exchange has developed a range of ESG indices and products, including the Euronext CDP Environment France.

